Tree House

Tip proiect Arhitectura
Categorie proiect Rezidential
Echipa proiect DAAC Studio & Oblicstudio (Alexandra Cosma, Stefan Prigoreanu , Teodora Brincusi, Anda Zota, Delia Iancu, Alexandru Radu)
The idea of a tree house seems as completing the synergie, enhancing the idillyc atmosphere.

The concept of the tree house dived into the inner childhood memories.
'As a child, I used to love nature. There was this one prune tree, right in front of the house, that I used to climb into every day and spend hours playing with its leafs. It had a small hollow that birds used to visit and large, confortable branches for me to climb' - seems like an universal description of childhood practicies.

DAAC Studio a fost fondat în 2016 de către arhitecta Alexandra Cosma. Este un studio multidisciplinar specializat în arhitectură și design interior, care surprinde și inspiră viața.